Menekse Plateau Trekking Track
Walking distance: 14 kilometers
Walking time: 4 hours
Difficulty level: Easy
Water passage: No
Herb Species: Woodland, beech, hornbeam, pine
Distance to Istanbul: 135 kilometers
Suitable Season: Spring, summer, autumn
Distance to Izmit: 30 kilometers
Take the western exit of the Izmit TEM highway and go in the direction of Bursa. When you come to Yuvacık town, turn towards the village. After passing the Yuvacık dam, the road is followed until Aytepe.
Route Information
Menekşe Plateau hiking trail, which is connected to the Başiskele district of Kocaeli province, starts from the Aytepe cold water reservoir. After a steep climb of half an hour, Şahin Tepesi is reached. It is a hill dominating the region. After crossing the hill, you can reach Violet Plateau with an easy 1.5-hour hike. This region got its name from the violet flower that blooms in spring. There is water in several places in the region. There is a priest meadow 100 meters south of Menekşe Plateau. Pastor meadow is a suitable area for camping. There is a 1073-meter Bayrak hill in the north of the plateau. Those who want to go to the Menekşe plateau by car can go through Bahçecik Neighborhood.