Orhan Mosque (Gazi Suleyman Pasa Mosque)
It is the first mosque built on a hill dominant to Orhan neighborhood that is one of the central poets of Old Izmit. You can reach this precious artifact easily by following the 'Historical Orhan Mosque' signs on the road right behind Bagcesme agora And you can see an important part of izmit from its garden, you can gaze and never get enough of the sunset over izmit Bay. It was built by Süleyman fiah crown prince of Orhan Gazi in the first years Ottoman State was established, 'on his name'.
This precious artifact which has the title of being the first mosque which was built after izmit was conquered and that could survive until today, also has a spiritual value as the symbol of conquer. On Fridays the imam goes to prayer with a sword. This tradition continues for a period of over 120 years, as a reaction to increasing external pressures and actions of segregation since the period of Union and Progress. However, since Izmit entered under Turkish dominance by surrendering on its own, as the result of the agreement when the siege continued, it was not conquered with the force of sword. This old Turkish tradition of prayer with sword in conquered cities did not exist in the history of izmit until the period of Union and Progress. Hodja goes up the stairs to give sermon by taking a sword on his right hand. Imam will not leave the sword when giving the sermon. After completing the sermon, imam again goes down the steps with the sword in his hand. This tradition that is implemented in just a few mosques in Turkey today also has a symbolic meaning. In the city that is at the same time an earthquake zone, mosque was supported by various repairs.
The mosque that was repaired during Sultan Abdülmecit period, has a rectangular plan, Stone and brick walls, wooden roof form outside and with mezzanine dome inside its decorations Abdülmecit period shows the characteristics of ampire style. On the shield hanging on the wall inside the mosque, there is the following writing: "Fatih izmit Gazi Süleyman Paşa bin Orhan and Fatih-i Hereke and Fatih-i Aydos and Fatihi Kocaeli Şag year 728 Bina-i Camii şerif and School year 1332". The mosque that was damaged heavily in August 17th earthquake later was repaired by Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality by staying faithful to its historical texture.