Pink Manor
Pink Manor, located in Izmit Yukarı Pazar, was taken overto the treasury from a non-muslim family and allocated to lawyer Tevfik Bey, son of Mehmet Efendi, from Manastır immigrants. Owner of the house, Gülten Hanım is the daughter of Tevfik Bey. The structure displaying architectural features of 19th Century consists of three storeys over a basement and latch-and-plaster over wood. Second floor of the manor, built in a form with guillotine windows, is protuberant and is supported with knee braces.
It takes its name from the fact that it is painted in pink. The Pink Manor was registered as an Immovable Culture and Nature Entity in 1987. The manor attracting attention with its view of izmit Bay as well as its historical structure was restored by Kocaeli Governor's Office. During the restoration, woodworks inside and outside were preserved and renewed by remaining faithful to the originals.
The manor, rented to a private company by the Governor's Office, is now in service as a restaurant serving Local dishes.